Andrew Bell

Application Security Consultant

Andrew By Design

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Welcome to My Design

Hello World!

  if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] === ''){
    echo "Welcome to " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] .   "!";
    // Welcome to!
  } else {
    echo "I have no design!";

I’m an IT professional who specializes in Application Security and Security Device administration. My skills involve performing application security audits, mostly Web applications with some network and binary assessments mixed in (never without permission of course!), and both maintaining/configuring various network security tools and systems (your Web Firewalls, your log event managers, Intrusion Detection Systems, and Firewalls).

My intent with this site is to serve as a launching point for all my career/professional accomplishments, résumé, and portfolio. Later on, I may consider expanding into blog territory and make some posts sharing my thoughts and experiences on some neat topics that I feel I have something worthwhile to say about it (I will not limit myself to just talking about IT security topics). If you would like to view my résumé, please click here to start from the intro. You can also use the sidebar menu to navigate to various portions of my résumé. It’s my first crack at maintaining my own personal website and server, so I appreciate your patience as I work to get new content on this site and hope you’ll stick around for the ride.

This is who I am, by design! Welcome again!

~Andrew C. Bell

Killer photos provided by Eddie Bonfigli,

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

C.S. Lewis